Usage Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Enclique. Please read carefully, our following rules that govern your access and use of our web platform. These rules will collectively be referred to henceforth as ‘Enclique Usage Terms’. 

Enclique offers a web platform that comprises of the following offerings:

  • Enclique website
  • Community Service (An online web service for individuals/community members who avail community service opportunities, or sign up for enrichment programs)
  • Merchant Service (An online web service for organizations/institutions who post community service opportunities/programs on our Web Platform)

Each of the above offerings on our web platform is a system of computers, switches and technology processes which will henceforth be referred to collectively as ‘Web Platform’.

Throughout this document, the terms:

  • “Enclique”, “we”, “our”, “us” collectively means Enclique Inc;
  • “customer”, “community member(s)” means you, if you are an Enclique Community Service user. If you are an Enclique Merchant Service user, these terms refer to community members who seek community service/volunteer opportunities or enroll in community development programs made available on our Web Platform;
  • “organization(s)”, “org(s)”, “business(es)”, “institution(s)”, “educational institution(s)” means you and the company/organization which you represent collectively, if you are the Enclique Merchant Service user. In this case you consent that you are authorized to accept these website terms on behalf of your company. If you are an Enclique’s community/customer service user, these terms mean entities that administer programs/community service opportunities/volunteer opportunities/community development programs on our Web Platform, to be availed by community members/customers;
  • “you”, “your”, “user” means you personally if you are a “customer” or “community member” as stated above.  If you are an Enclique Merchant Service user, these terms mean you personally and the organization you represent collectively as stated above.

Important Notices and Acceptance Terms:

  • By visiting, accessing, or using Enclique web platform, you agree that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by these Enclique Usage Terms.
  • These Enclique Usage Terms require you to use arbitration on an individual basis to resolve issues, misunderstandings, errors, omissions and disputes, rather than jury trials or class actions. They (Enclique Usage Terms) also limit the remedies available to you in the event of a dispute.
  • We may change these Enclique Usage Terms at any time. Your continued use of the Enclique web platform following the posting of updated Enclique Usage Terms means that you accept the Enclique Usage Terms. In addition, it also means that you agree to periodically visit this site to examine the updated Enclique Usage Terms, and agree to the changes.
  • The information provided in this document is for informational purposes only. We will not be liable for its availability, accuracy or usefulness.
  • If you are not in agreement with any of our Enclique Usage Terms or Enclique Privacy Policies, we highly encourage you to discontinue using our web platform and services.
  • The terms and conditions mentioned in this Enclique Usage Terms document and Enclique Privacy Policy supersede every other information/usage terms listed anywhere, even if it is communicated by an Enclique employee on another media or anywhere else on our web platform. 
  • You must be in agreement with all terms listed in this Enclique Usage Terms document and Enclique Privacy Policy document to continue using Enclique Web Platform and other services. Not agreeing to even a single term on either of these documents makes you non-compliant of our terms. In this case, you must stop using/accessing our Web Platform, services and other resources immediately.
If you are an Enclique Merchant Service user, you certify the following:
  • that you are 18 years of age, or older. 
  • that you are currently legally employed at the organization you represent, and you are legally authorized by your organization and Enclique to use our Web Platform to post your programs and opportunities. 
  • that your organization is legally legitimate, and is authorized to operate in the city, county, state and country that you operate in.
  • that you understand Enclique Web Platform and services are currently only available in the state of California, USA
  • that you organization is CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Protection Act) and COPPA (US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) compliant.
  • that you- yourself and your organization, not Enclique, are responsible for your safety, security and well-being, as well as the safety, security and well being of every user who has connected with you, enrolled, and/or participated in your activities/programs through Enclique.
  • that you understand Enclique is a mere online platform, and that we have no means to, and have not performed background checks on users participating on our Web Platform.
  • that you understand and agree Enclique is not liable in any way, for any damage, injury, incidentals, accidents, mental or physical harm to people, animals or property due to any user even if they connected with you through Enclique.
  • that you understand and agree Enclique is not liable in any way, for any damage, injury, incidentals, accidents, mental or physical harm to any user irrespective of the location of the incident, even if they have connected with you through Enclique.
  • that you will notify, and obtain necessary waivers from all parties, and obtain authorizations from parents/legal guardians for children below the age of 18, or minors to participate in your programs/activities, or any programs/activities that you host.
  • that you understand Enclique Web Platform and services are only available to Community Service users 13 years of age or older.
  • that you will maintain a backup of all documents/records of participation and achievement of every participant in your programs/activities.
  • that you will perform a background check and deem safe every entity who comes in contact with any user in your programs/activities.
  • that you understand that our infrastructure and features may not meet all your requirements.
  • that you understand that we may have service interruptions, possibly for long durations of time in order to fix our issues. You agree tol have a sound backup process in place at all times to be able to conduct your business without interruptions. 
  • that you understand and agree that Enclique is not liable for disruptions in your scheduling, cancellations or no-shows.
  • that you understand and agree that Enclique is not liable if our Web Platform or other systems are attacked by malicious actors, or someone steals information from our Web Platform or other systems. In addition, you agree that we are not liable for any data that is lost due to data corruption or faulty logic.
  • that you understand our Web Platform is currently free of charge for users, but we may change at any time. We may charge a fee for our services at any time in the future.
  • that we may collect your data to improve our Web Platform service offerings
  • that we may share your data with users who you choose to engage with on our Web Platform. You also understand that we may also share your data with other vendors.
  • that while currently there are no advertisements on our Web Platform, we may switch to an advertisement revenue-based business model. In addition, you understand that you may start seeing advertisements on our platform at that time.
  • that you understand we share with you sensitive information about Enclique Community Service users (such as user’s name, user’s email, user’s date of birth, user’s mobile number, parent/legal guardian’s name, email, mobile number if the user is a minor child below the age of 18) who wish to engage with your organization by enrolling in your activities. 
  • that you will handle every Enclique Web Platform (including Enclique Community Service) user’s data with care, and protect it from misuse within or outside your organization.
If you are an Enclique Community Service user, you certify the following:
  • that you are 18 years of age or older, or, in the case of a minor  child younger than 18 years of age, you are completing this registration on behalf of your child as their parent or legal guardian.
  • that your minor child for whom you are setting up the Enclique account is 13 years or older, and you understand that you may not set up an Enclique account for a child less than 13 years of age.
  • that you understand Enclique Web Platform and services are currently only available in the state of California, USA
  • that if your minor child below the age of 18 is an Enclique Community Service user, you will set up an Enclique parent/legal guardian account and link it to your minor child’s account, and you will regularly monitor all their activities and communication on the Enclique Web Platform (through your Enclique account as well as their Enclique account), their mobile phone and email conversations/texts/SMS to ensure their safety and well being at all times..
  • that if your minor child below the age of 18 is an Enclique Community Service user, you will constantly monitor through their account, all the other parent/legal guardian accounts they are linked with, and add/update/remove linked accounts/information as deemed necessary by you.
  • that you- yourself, not Enclique, are responsible for ensuring your, or in the case of a minor child younger than 18 years of age, their well-being, physical, mental and emotional safety and security when they search for opportunities, enroll in, and participate in program/activities through Enclique Web Platform.
  • that you understand that Enclique is a mere online platform, and that we have no means to, and have NOT performed background checks on any merchant organization participating on our Web Platform.
  • that you understand that Enclique is a mere online platform, and that we have no means to, and have NOT performed any background checks on any employee/contractor/volunteer/staff/guest who you, or your child in the case of a minor child younger than 18 years of age, may come in contact with while you participate in programs/activities through our Web Platform.
  • that you will research every organization and entity/individual who you, or in the case of your minor child younger than 18 years of age, they, will interact with before engaging with the organization, and only participate in their programs/activities if you deem it safe to.
  • that you will research every program/activity site where you, or in the case of a minor child younger than 18 years of age, they, will participate, before engaging with the organization, and only participate in programs/activities if you deem it safe.
  • that you will verify as safe, every web, phone, or email interaction from Enclique, Enclique merchant organizations, or individuals posing as Enclique’s or Enclique merchants/organization’s employees, before engaging with them for yourself or your minor child.
  • that you will actively monitor every communication and interaction of your minor child on the web, phone or email with Enclique, Enclique merchant organizations or entities posing as Enclique or Enclique merchant organizations,  if you are the parent or legal guardian of a child on our Web Platform.. In addition, you will only engage with them only if you deem it safe to do so.
  • that you understand and agree that Enclique is not liable in any way, for any damage, injury, incidentals, accidents, mental or physical harm to any community member/ participant/volunteer/child irrespective of the location of the incident, even if you, or your minor child younger than 18 years of age, have connected with the Enclique merchant organization, enrolled, and participated in their activities/programs through Enclique.
  • that you understand that Enclique system and logic may not display information, or may display incorrect information sometimes due to errors and omissions in our software or system. You understand and agree that you will always verify information directly with the merchant organization you engage with, before any action is performed. In addition, you also understand and agree to always backup all data/participation records/information that is important to you.
  • that you understand that our infrastructure, features and timelines may not meet all your requirements.
  • that you understand that we may have service interruptions, possibly for long durations of time in order to fix our issues. You also understand that you will have a sound backup of all data/participation/records/accomplishments/information that is important to you.
  • that you understand and agree that Enclique is not liable for disruptions in your scheduling, cancellations or no-shows.
  • that you understand and agree that Enclique is not liable if our system is attacked by malicious actors, or someone steals information from our platform. In addition, you agree that we are not liable for any personal information or data that is lost due to data corruption or faulty logic.
  • that you understand our platform is currently free of charge for users, but we may change at any time. We may charge a fee for our services at any time in the future.
  • that we may collect your data to improve our platform service offerings
  • that we may share your information such as your name, date of birth, email and mobile number, gender, your minor child’s name, minor child’s date of birth, minor child’s email, minor child’s mobile number, minor child’s gender  and other activity related data with Enclique merchant organizations who you choose to engage with on our Web Platform. You also understand that we may also share your personal information or data with other vendors.
  • that while currently there are no advertisements on our Web Platform, we may switch to an advertisement revenue-based business model. In addition, you understand that you may start seeing advertisements on our platform at that time.

General Terms and Conditions

You may use our Web Platform only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these website terms. In addition, you certify the following:

  • In order to access our Web Platform, you may be required to provide certain information about yourself (such as name, date of birth, e-mail, phone number, address, parent/child details). If you are an Enclique Merchant Service user, you may be required to provide some information such as employer EIN, employee details, employee affiliation, etc. You agree that any information you provide will always be accurate and up to date.‍
  • All information you provide through the Web Platform or otherwise collected by Enclique is governed by our Privacy Notice, and you consent to all actions we take with respect to your information consistent with such notice.
  • You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login credentials to our Web Platform. You understand and agree that you are responsible for all activities that occur under your account(s). You may not disclose your username, password and moniker, if you are an Enclique Merchant Service user. You may not establish an account for any other person.
  • You are responsible for whatever content you submit and you, not Enclique, have full responsibility for such content, including its legality, reliability, and appropriateness. By uploading or otherwise transmitting content to our Web Platform, you warrant that the content is your own or is in the public domain or otherwise free of proprietary or other restrictions, and that you have the right to post to our Web Platform, or otherwise submit it to Enclique. You hereby grant to Enclique, and assign a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual right and license to use and share all content you upload or otherwise transmit to or through the Web Platform or otherwise collected by Enclique, in any manner Enclique chooses, including but not limited to, copying, displaying, performing or publishing it in any format whatsoever, modifying it, incorporating it into other material, or making a derivative work based on it.
  • You understand that we may discontinue any aspect of our Web Platform at any time without prior notice to you.

You may not use Enclique Web Platform

  • for any activity or program that in any way violates any applicable federal, state, local, or international law or regulation.
  • in any way that violates any applicable federal, state, local, or international law or regulation.
  • to solicit, for commercial or any illegal purpose, any user of the Web Platform.
  • to impersonate or attempt to impersonate Enclique, an Enclique employee, another user, or any other person or entity.
  • to engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone’s use of the website, or which, as determined by us, may harm Enclique or our users, or expose them to liability.

You agree to:

  • access our Web Platform content only through user interaction legally permitted by us, and not through any technology or unauthorized means.
  • not access our Web Platform using automated systems such as, but not limited to robots, spiders and readers.
  • not use any process to monitor or copy any content on our Web Platform for any purpose that is not permitted in our Enclique Usage Terms..
  • not use any device or process that interferes with the proper working of our Web Platform.
  • not introduce any viruses, trojan horses, worms or any malicious technology on our Web Platform.
  • not attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage, or disrupt any parts of our Web Platform
  • not attack our Web Platform via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.
  • not impersonate or misrepresent an affiliation with any person or organization.

Ownership and Use of Website Content

Enclique Web Platform and its entire content, features, and functionality (including, but not limited to, all information, software, text, displays, images, video, audio, design, logic, and arrangement thereof) are owned by Enclique.

Enclique Usage Terms permit you to use our Web Platform for authorized non-commercial use only. You may not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any of the material on the website or platform except as intended by Enclique..

You are prohibited from making copies or modifying copies you make of any materials from our Web Platform and from deleting or altering any anything from copies you make. Further, you must not modify, create derivative works of, decompile, or otherwise attempt to extract or transmit source code from our Web Platform.

If you print, copy, modify, download, use or provide any other person with access to any part of our Web Platform in breach of these Enclique Usage Terms, your right to use the Web Platform will stop immediately and you must return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made or transmitted. No rights, title or interest is transferred to you. All rights are reserved by Enclique.

How to end engagement with Enclique

Enclique Community Service users can stop engagement with Enclique anytime by logging into their account, canceling out of all their future activities, and logging out. 

Only an user with Org Administrator privileges can end the engagement of their organization with Enclique. To do that, a user with that privilege must log into their Enclique account and select an end date for the organization’s membership with Enclique. Preceding this, all organizational user accounts and activities of the organization must be closed out from our Web Platform.

Employees at Enclique merchant organizations can contact their administrators to end their engagement on the Enclique Web Platform. Org Administrators can end individual employee engagement by simply entering an end date for the employee’s engagement.

Your Contact Information

It is your responsibility to provide us with accurate and complete email address, contact and other information related to these Website Terms. You are also required to maintain and promptly update any changes in this information. All updates can be made through your Enclique account.‍

Hardware and Software Requirements

Our Web Platform can be accessed using a computer with an internet browser. 

You will need an internet connection to access our Web Platform.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about these Enclique Usage Terms, please contact us at‍